Examples of Spark Group Consulting’s work and press coverage.





A local Detroit organization providing care and advocacy for survivors of sexual assault systems is also at the forefront of change and prevention of sexual violence across the state and country. This organization’s expertise surrounding prevention strategies for sexual violence, human trafficking, and pediatric needs has led to an increasing number of requests over the past few years to provide training to various community organizations and corporations around the state and the country. How can this organization reach the ever-growing number of individuals and organizations seeking its training services? Could a program model be developed that would provide an additional income stream of earned revenue to grow its presence statewide and nationally, and have a major impact on providing compassionate and trauma-informed care to survivors of sexual assault on a larger geographic scale?


How does a community respond in the face of tragedy?

An unthinkable horror occurred in the township of Oxford, Michigan in November of 2021, when a shooter killed four students and wounded seven other people at Oxford High School. The community of Oxford, family, and friends of the victims faced the question no town or city should ever have to – though far too many have: How do we show our resilience while honoring the memory and legacy of those we lost? 




LinkedIn for Nonprofits

Spark Group has been highlighted in LinkedIn for Nonprofits Moving Forward newsletter. A publication for nonprofit professionals to learn and grow together run by LinkedIn for Nonprofits with 212,000 followers.

Exceptional Leadership

Exceptional Leadership

The Importance of Proactivity

The Importance of Proactivity

Crafting Winning Volunteer Job Descriptions

Crafting Winning Volunteer Job Descriptions

Featured Speaker


Spark Group Consulting’s CEO, Mary Gladstone-Highland is a featured speaker at the Michigan Township Association’s 2022 annual conference.

Press Coverage

Featured Author

Spark Group Consulting’s CEO, Mary Gladstone-Highland is a featured author on this list of the best grant books in 2022.

Podcast Guesting

Spark Group Consulting’s CEO, Mary Gladstone-Highland was honored to be interviewed by Holly Rustick on her top-ranked podcast, Grant Writing and Funding

Moving from Reactive to Proactive

Successful Nonpofits invites you to set aside an hour to reflect on the week and plan for the future with Mary Gladstone-Highland.


Preferred Service Provider

Spark Group is a preferred service provider for Co.Act Detroit’s Activate Fund.

Business Directory

Spark Group is a provider listed in the Michigan Nonprofit Association’s Business marketplace.