Is Your Management Style Helping or Hurting?

Is Your Management Style Helping or Hurting?


If I asked you to describe yourself as a leader, what would you say? Are you someone who expects a lot from your employees?  Do you emphasize systems over relationships? Would you describe yourself as a General, Shepherd, or Coach? 

Brigette Hyacinth reported for LinkedIn In Employees Don't Leave Companies They Leave Managers that "the No. 1 reason people quit their jobs is a bad boss or immediate supervisor. 75% of workers who voluntarily left their jobs did so because of their bosses and not the position itself." Can you relate to a job where you liked the work but hated the boss?

The Center for America Progress reports that the cost of turnover for a $10 an hour employee is approximately $3,300. That figure only increases with the salary of the position. Therefore, managers must consider their style.  A "good" manager leads to a thriving organization whereas a "bad" manager stifles organizational growth.  

While these numbers are staggering; there is a silver lining. There aren't many situations in the nonprofit sector where you can resolve 75% of an organizational problem by changing the actions of one person. At Spark Group Consulting, we believe that great managers aren't born, they are taught, and that education starts with assets. 

Firstly, we ask clients to identify their assets.  Do you love spreadsheets? Are you someone who sees new possibilities around each corner?  Can you leverage your external relationships easily to produce organizational stakeholders? You got to this point in your career because you did many things right, and that is important. Next, we invite clients to identify areas of growth. We all have skills that we can learn. 

Is your organization ready for Executive Coaching?  Ask yourself these questions: 1. Is your turnover rate more than 10%? 2. Do you have a new executive that you want to set up for success? 3. Do you value continued education and growth? If the answer to any of those questions is "Yes" set up an initial consultation today. 

Whatever your management style, you can always learn and grow, and it is evident that improved management is a good investment! 

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